
Top Tips For Removing Mould Like a Pro

Mould is the long standing nemesis of any homeowner. No matter how thoroughly or consistently we scrub and clean, it always seems to outsmart us and come back with a vengeance. Here is your ultimate mould removal guide in Adelaide that will eliminate mould once and for all.

Mould Removal Adelaide

Mould is one of the worst things about cleaning because it is so stubborn. Once it has taken hold, it is not going without a fight. Catching it in the early stages is by far the most effective and least time consuming approach, which means regular cleaning particularly in the shower and bathroom. Mildew begins as little black spots and spreads into larger colonies. It loves damp environments, and so is most common in areas where water is trapped over long periods of time. This means that drains, leaky faucets and the grout between tiles are the favourite spots.

Mould can also be more than a surface problem. If left long enough to fester, it can invade your walls, floor and ceiling. If you prod your walls with a screwdriver or other sharp instrument and the material begins to crumble, then you have a rotting problem. If this is the case, you will want to conduct extensive checking for internal plumbing problems. Carpets that are mouldy will often smell more than anything else. Unfortunately, there is no real repair option for materials, and it will need to be fully removed and replaced, after conducting a search of the area to try to find a cause.

A vinegar solution is the approach recommended by most cleaning professionals. It throws of the delicate balance in environment that mould requires to survive and thrive. Mix a solution of 80% vinegar and 20% water in a bucket. Using a microfiber cloth dipped in this solution, you can begin to work at the mould in your shower. It will require plenty of elbow grease and a fair amount of time as well. You will also want to take special precaution to remove the risk of cross contamination. Using the same bucket to rinse your mouldy cloth in will hardly be productive. Two other buckets, one for  first rinse and one for a second rinse should be employed in order to ensure the most efficient cleaning process. Finally, once you are convinced that you have removed all of the mould, you will want to grab a new cloth and wipe over the area with a standard tile cleaning product. Vinegar has a tendency to leave streaks if not fully cleaned off.

Always ensure that when tackling mould you wear the right equipment. A mask is a good idea, as mould can give off toxic spores and vapours. It is also inadvisable for people with sensitivities, allergies or asthma to attempt the job. If the job is proving to be more difficult than you first imagined, then you can always resort to a professional service. Professionals will be able to not only eliminate all traces of mould, but they will be able to put processes in place which help to limit or totally eradicate mould growing in the future.

So how do you stop mould from invading your bathroom again? Inspect and fix any leaks immediately. You will also want to reassess whether your exhaust fan is doing an adequate job, and that you are using it every time someone has a bath or shower. The steam in the air can quickly condense on tiles and walls, and without good ventilation it will not dry for many hours. For more helpful mould removal tips in Adelaide, please contact Master Class Carpet Cleaning.

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