
Agricultural Sprayers Can Help Make Your Garden Flourish

Utilising agricultural sprayers in your backyard is a great way to grow your own produce. There is nothing better than heading out to your garden and harvesting your own fruits and vegetables to eat. You can be assured that nothing tastes better or is more satisfying then food you have grown yourself. Below we have outlined how to look after a humble lemon tree. Often a lemon tree is a good fruit tree to start on, with lemons a staple ingredient in a lot of foods and drinks.

Weather conditions
When most people think citrus fruits, they often think about summer. Not only are these gorgeous fruits delightful to enjoy in the warmer months, but that coincidentally is when the trees themselves are the happiest. Citrus trees thrive in sunny temperatures between 50-80A F.  When winter arrives and the temperature dramatically drops, there is the option of bringing your lemon tree inside to keep it away from the frosty conditions. 

In the instance where you have to bring your lemon tree indoors, it’s very important to ensure it has enough natural light. A good idea is to place your tree in a sunny window, however, keep in mind that too much sun can actually result in burning the plant, so you must be careful. It is possible to purchase grow lights that will help stimulate your lemon tree’s growth indoors. Shop lights that have one cold and one warm bulb are also effective. Though it is possible to keep your lemon tree thriving by ensuring it gets enough natural light through the window.

Agricultural Sprayers

The period of spring to fall is considered the growing season for lemon trees and is the time you need to feed it. Cirtus plants feed off two types of fertilizers. They first is an all-purpose, slow release fertilizer, while the other is a high nitrogen fertilizer. You can even try additional foliar feeding using a liquid fertiliser. 

For any citrus plant, particularly those grown in pots, adequate watering is the best way to make it grow nicely. You should aim to keep the soil in the pot moist, but not to the point where it is considered wet.  A good way to test that the watering is correct is to push your finger into the soil. Push down up to at least the second knuckle to test. If you can feel that the soil is dry, then it’s time to water. However, if there is dampness at your fingertip, then leave watering for another day. In the instance where a watering is required, keep pouring water into the soil until it begins running out of the bottom of the pot. Make sure you purchase pot feel for your lemon tree, so water spurts out and isn’t left at a pool at the bottom for the tree to sit in all the time. If you are keeping your lemon tree inside, another good tip is to give the leaves a little spritz of water with a spray bottle from time to time. This will work wonders for your lemon tree and stop it drying out if the heating is being used.

The moment fruit starts growing on your citrus tree is extremely exciting. Once is begins to develop, all you want to do is pick it and enjoy the goodness.  It’s important to be patient though because if you pick it at the wrong time, it won’t be as nice as if you waited. A lemon will usually be an egg yolk yellow colour when it’s ready to be picked. When you touch it, it should be slightly soft to touch. For those people who keep their lemon tree inside during the cold period, it’s important to note that fruit can take up to a year to finally ripen. It’s crucial you wait until it’s ripe before you harvest it, as lemons actually continue to ripen whilst they’re still attached to the tree. When it’s finally time to harvest, make sure you don’t pull the lemon from the tree. While this is the most obvious way to remove the lemon, it can actually result in damage to the try. Instead use a knife or scissors to cut the fruit from the tree.

If you would like to start growing your own produce, it’s a good idea to purchase your own Agricultural Sprayers. Talk to the team at Green Gorilla

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