Energy efficiency is still a bit of a buzzword, being thrown around left right and centre in the building industry. Despite this, the fact remains that this feature is perhaps the most important part of a modern custom home builders’ job in Adelaide.
Most people appreciate that choosing the most environmentally friendly options for household appliances and designs makes sense for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it is of course going to help out the greater planet. The environmentally conscious among us realise that there is no longer really a debate about whether the climate is changing or not. The debate swings instead to how much it is changing, and what we can do to curb this change. If we are to make a significant difference, then we each have to do our part to contribute, and making informed choices during the planning stages of your build is a fantastic start.

The other big reason for choosing the most Eco-friendly options is that it can save you the big bucks, both in upfront purchase costs as well as ongoing operation and maintenance. The most energy efficient refrigerator on the market for example will reduce your running costs by about 20%. In terms of upfront cost, it will depend on which features you prioritise. Elements such as double doors and a thermostat will help you to keep your fridge at the right temperature and not waste energy unnecessarily. An energy rating of at least 2.5 is recommended, and the higher the star rating, the better the deal.
Retrofitting later is certainly possible, but will mean you have to fork out a small fortune. For those who are motivated to go green for financial reasons, this kind of misses the point. Besides, building an energy efficient home is about far more than just the appliances. The orientation plays a key role in making the most of the natural arc of the sun, and will determine many other things such as passive cooling and whether your home is suitable for solar panels. These are major building factors that cannot be simply added later, and must be considered in the early design stages. You may like to consider aspects such as recycled or reclaimed building materials too.
As well as choosing what you do and do not want, building a custom home means access to the absolute latest in energy efficient devices. Even in the last two years, huge strides have been taken in developing advanced appliances that put older ones to shame. The huge demand for these products drives prices down and so you can expect to pay less for a washing machine that performs 5 times as well and uses less water. It really makes no sense to for anything other than the latest available whitegoods at the time.
With a custom build, all of the choices are up to you. By going with a developer rather than an individual builder, you will be able to gain access to the current plans that have enjoyed great environmental success, and tweak the parts you want to change. Building from scratch can be the way for big mistakes to happen if you are not properly experienced in what works and what doesn’t. There is no point in choosing the most environmental aspect and shape of a blueprint if in reality if does not properly serve the needs of your family. Strike a balance between functionality and environmental design.
Please get in touch with the respected custom home builders team in Adelaide at Beechwood Homes.
With a custom build, all of the choices are up to you. By going with a developer rather than an individual builder, you will be able to gain access to the current plans that have enjoyed great environmental success, and tweak the parts you want to change. Building from scratch can be the way for big mistakes to happen if you are not properly experienced in what works and what doesn’t. There is no point in choosing the most environmental aspect and shape of a blueprint if in reality if does not properly serve the needs of your family. Strike a balance between functionality and environmental design.
Please get in touch with the respected custom home builders team in Adelaide at Beechwood Homes.
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